Meet The Team

We are proud to introduce our dedicated team of health professionals. Each one of us is committed to help you reach optimal health and improve your wellbeing. With years of experience behind us and a passion for holistic care, we support you on your journey to a pain-free and active life, every step of the way.

Dr. Todd Stephenson

B.Chir.Sc (Macq)., M.Chiro (Macq)​

Dr Todd Stephenson is a co-owner and the principal chiropractor at Pittwater Chiro. Due to his long history of competitive national and international ice hockey, Todd’s primary interest and expertise lies in sports injuries and rehabilitation. As a Dad of two children, Max and Lena, Todd also pays special attention to family chiropractic care.

Since completing his Master of Chiropractic at Macquarie University, Todd has undertaken further studies in:

  • Level 1 & 2 Musculoskeletal Dry Needling (Precise Points)
  • Level 1 Sports Trainer, Sports Medicine Australia (SMA)
  • NSW Workers Compensation Allied Health Practitioner Training
  • Proud member of Chiropractic Australia

Dr. Braeden Melmer


Braeden has dedicated eight years to studying human kinetics and chiropractic. He obtained a Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics (HK) from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. Following his studies at Guelph, he attended the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) in Toronto, where he completed a four-year Doctor of Chiropractic program.

Braeden is a registered chiropractor in both Canada and Australia. He is a member of the Chiropractic College of Ontario and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency (AHPRA). Braeden has furthered his training by completing specialty courses in Medical Contemporary Acupuncture and the soft tissue technique Active Release Therapy (ART). He has a strong passion for rehabilitation and nutrition.

Braeden was an invited speaker at the Massage and Myotherapy National Conference on the Gold Coast in June 2018. He had the pleasure of sharing his knowledge on effectively assessing and treating conditions arising from poor posture with the delegates. 

Braeden brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Pittwater Chiro. Passionate for helping others, he strives to help patients optimise their physical health and wellbeing and reach their goals.

Dr. Jess Milsom

B.Chir.Sc (Macq)., M.Chiro (Macq)

Growing up on the Northern Beaches, Jess nurtured a passion for sport and exercise. She competed in various sports; surf lifesaving, surfing and jiu-jitsu. After working in the fitness industry for over a decade, Jess developed a curiosity about the mechanics of movement and the capacity of the human body to heal. 

This led her to complete a Master in Chiropractic. Her primary interest lies in injury rehabilitation. Since completing her Master of Chiropractic at Macquarie University, Jess has undertaken further studies in:

  • Certificate III and IV in Fitness (Personal Trainer)
  • Level 1 Sports Trainer (Macquarie University)
  • Level 1 and 2 Musculoskeletal Dry Needling (Precise Points)
  • Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation (Exercise)
  • Member of the Australian Chiropractors Association


Jess is also the team chiropractor at Bungan Boardriders and Pittwater Women’s Football Club. When she is not in the clinic, you can find her in the ocean, at the gym or with her dog, Pippi.

Lisa Clark

Massage Therapist

Lisa is a certified massage therapist with over 20 years of experience. After training and working in multiple alternative health modalities, Lisa has always come back to her first love of bodywork. By tailoring each treatment to address specific concerns, combined with an intuitive sense of where tension and knots reside, she ensures that her clients receive the personalised care necessary for optimal healing, stress relief, and improved general well-being.

When not in the clinic you may find Lisa enjoying our local beaches and coastal walks with her family and dogs, or planning her next adventure holiday.

Catherine Stephenson

B.Chir.Sc (Macq)., M.Chiro (Macq)​

Catherine is co-owner and practice manager at Pittwater Chiro. She completed a Master of Chiropractic at Macquarie University and worked as a chiropractor for four years. During that time, she also worked at Macquarie University as a clinical supervisor. This led her to a career change into health management where she worked for NSW Health with varying groups of the medical profession including surgeons and musculoskeletal researchers. She has brought this range of knowledge and expertise to the clinic where she assists in patient communication, administration, HR, payroll, and marketing.

When she is not in the clinic, you can find her exercising with her friends or going on adventures with her young family.